Karma Yoga and Routine
Presently over some of the posts I have been sailing through the dark side of the emotional sphere of human consciousness ranging from loneliness and desperation,pain yet there was a sense of raw and brutal reality imbibed into those states.I have been predominantly ranting over my procrastination habit and being a social outcast,yet over time and contemplating over these habits I am slowly trying to curb myself to jump in the abyss of extreme philosophising and rather to get everyday things done.I maintain a sort of journal everyday ..okay everyday is an exaggeration as my lazy bug is hugely responsible to not let me write often,yet I have been maintaining the journal consistently and has been writing over how I feel everyday.I have observed a very interesting pattern that if we write what happened a certain day in the journal it is perhaps extremely objective and we often miss the subjective nature of our own mood swings,emotions,joy,pain that we often feel on the same mundane ...