Karma Yoga and Routine


Presently over some of the posts I have been sailing through the dark side of the emotional sphere of human consciousness ranging from loneliness and desperation,pain yet there was a sense of raw and brutal reality imbibed into those states.I have been predominantly ranting over my procrastination habit and being a social outcast,yet over time and contemplating over these habits I am slowly trying to curb myself to jump in the abyss of extreme philosophising and rather to get everyday things done.I maintain a sort of journal everyday ..okay everyday is an exaggeration as my lazy bug is hugely responsible to not let me write often,yet I have been maintaining the journal consistently and has been writing over how I feel everyday.I have observed a very interesting pattern that if we write what happened a certain day in the journal it is perhaps extremely objective and we often miss the subjective nature of our own mood swings,emotions,joy,pain that we often feel on the same mundane things that we encounter,so what we feel is an interesting take over the objective reality that we inherently know.Penning down about our mood swings and grunginess,to the ever common conundrum of life is a sort of a huge dopamine boost to uncover the patterns of thoughts that lies beneath the subconscious realm.

Now coming to the question what is the obvious correlation of this with the title -karma yoga or perhaps routine.Being a lazy thinker,procrastinator and a 'know it all bengali' or 'ANTELKHOR BANGALI' showering off ornamental wisdom and thoughts about life has always been a favourite pastime rather than getting things together by fiddling oneself in the dirt.In the poem-'Dhulamondir'-Rabindranth Tagore rightfully points out the gruesome preachy nature of the priest who is busy in his own beautification and singing praises of GOD inside the safe premises of the temple whereas the labourers are busy serving the mankind by actually putting efforts to make the world a better place to live in.Now the obvious debate comes that which is more important thinking or acting-the answer lies in the perspective that the observer chooses to see.While building ones consciousness is extremely important yet getting ones thing together is as important if not more.Here karma yoga chooses to intervene where a certain work is done keeping in mind that we are extremely blessed to serve in  this world where perhaps work is the true way to salvation.It is only through the integral concentrated power to work comes the actual fruitfulness of meditation where it is just not any practice of esoteric spiritualism but a hard grounded truth that takes away the mind from its everlong chatter of past and future but throws it in the ultimate serenity of the present.A real karma yogi is not concerned about the reward that he encounters but is extremely satisfied in the fruits that he gets to to taste through the work itself.Though this sound extremely boring,theoretical yet remember the cricket match in which you were engrossed or the random conversations where all the universe was concentrated on the randomness of the event yet it was so true and real that for sometime it defined your existence.

I being a bearer of a chatterhead mind had often stuggled to count the balancing nature of this attribute.On one hand sometimes I enioy the esoteric trips that it offers me to enjoy thoughtful experiments from various topics yet it also paralyses my sense of urgency to work on material things that needs to be done.It is more difficult when anxiety creeps in and sends a variety of magical spells to slither through my body and make it freeze in a state of utter inability.Routine has therefore been a great help to me in throwing off this magical spell and get things done rather than flying on my esoteric trips too much.So I am still typing and trying to finish this post for weeks now,yes it is a long battle against procrastination ..I get it is hard but pull up your socks,let anxiety creep in,let your mind take you on trips yet you make  sure that you return from it and still try to the last inch.Keep failing yet keep trying and stop not till reality kicks your butt and lets you jump in the dark pool of weird insane bewilderment.


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