Life, music and random conscious ramblings

Pondering over several equations of life, love, and philosophy had landed me often in turmoil nights with intense weeping ,wondering and bemusing over my complicated emotions which throws sudden punches amidst midnight insomnia. Overcomplicating and simplifying things has been a constant see-saw ride that I have envisaged over thunderous ruckus happening over my mindscape. Fighting over a turbulent mind has always been a difficult journey.But clearing off the debris of the subconscious has helped immensely.

During few days contemplating over superheroes,comics,art and classical music has given a new perspective to draw a certain colour over the sociological and psychological architechture that we are habituated living into. I encountered a book called-'The Physics of Superheroes' where a college Professor of physics who was fascinated by comics from a very young age took an initiative to write a book and introduce a class for this subject to first year physics college majors in his own college.It has been an interesting case where science is integrated to pop culture to make it far more interesting and palatable to teenagers who are often disillusioned by its equations and technical terms. Classical music on the other hand is another dimension where there is divine interplay between mathematics and harmonics to create a symphony which entwines the spiritual and emotional existence of a human soul.It is such a delight to just listen to music without the words and encounter the whole universe unto oneself in a dynamic flow of thoughts.

It is already deep night and the owls are preparing their uniforms to conduct their night suits.I on the other hand is busy typing here presenting my disjointed stream of consciousness over a virtual paper rambling over the nonsensical stuff that I often possess in my day dreams. Writing only with the help of a stream of consciousness and not caring about the certain structure or narrative of the topic in which the blogpost or writing piece is started is an interesting meta experiment on the concept of writing,art itself. This is the basic thought process behind the emergence of modern art from classical one,where precise mathematical structures and perfection is often followed by its complete anatagonistic philosophy of chaosness, random, disjointed but extremely raw, emotional and pure stream of consciousness in its serene unedited form which resulted in presented day modern art.It is a common tale where it is told that Picasso in his very young age could easily produce extremely realistic piece of art so as he grows old he realised that his true potential of art lies in the abstract and not in the practical reality that we often misjudge as the only reality that exists.The curiousness of a child with his/her abstract philosophy where trees are pink,waters are yellow and books can talk is the ultimate representation of the imaginative doors that is present yet we go on to often destroy them in the process of indoctrinating them to be 'successful' in reality.The romance of a daydreaming child in his/her own subconsciousness still remains colouring the world in magenta,silver,blue and other hues,singing the lullaby to a sleeping dragon.hearing the bark of a cow,studying from professors named trees and playing amidst friends called flowers is enough to dismantle the entire conscious realm that we habituate ourselves for a mechanical existence.These kids are old,some calls them schrizophrenic,lost from reality,crazy,insomniac...yet they still dream...yet they still write ...yet they still draw...yet they still laugh at the lifeliness makeover of the mechanistic sophisticated world who fears the imaginative rebellion of a young kid capable of breaking down the towers to a place of chaos,pure and yet eternally raw piece of conscious disrupted existence to fill the black and white emotions with bright coloured hues and random unsafe yet free emotions.

Picture courtesy:-google


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