Life, music and random conscious ramblings
Pondering over several equations of life, love, and philosophy had landed me often in turmoil nights with intense weeping ,wondering and bemusing over my complicated emotions which throws sudden punches amidst midnight insomnia. Overcomplicating and simplifying things has been a constant see-saw ride that I have envisaged over thunderous ruckus happening over my mindscape. Fighting over a turbulent mind has always been a difficult journey.But clearing off the debris of the subconscious has helped immensely. During few days contemplating over superheroes,comics,art and classical music has given a new perspective to draw a certain colour over the sociological and psychological architechture that we are habituated living into. I encountered a book called-'The Physics of Superheroes' where a college Professor of physics who was fascinated by comics from a very young age took an initiative to write a book and introduce a class for this subject to first year physics college majors in...