Subjective and Objective Reality

It has been a while I have been pondering upon the idea of Subjective and Objective reality mainly due to the chaosness that is hitting upon the different corners of my brain.Subjectivity basically is the realm of emotions,our self,our made up stories,our conclusions,our ambitions and yet other ambigious yet very personal manifestations that we hold to our ownself to identify the person that we call as the 'I'.Moreover the Objective reality is the crude,brutal,raw reality that is situated outside the sense of 'I' that includes from the people we know,to the families we dwell upon,the names we possess,the nationality we held etc.Most of the times thundering strikes when both of these are in horns with each other in our brain.The subjective reality is like the innocent,yet mischievous, dreamy child that creates its own saga ,emotions and paints the world using the crayons that he himself has accumulated from his thoughts.Moreover the Objective reality is the strict parent who even though loves his child yet is too anxious to let his dreamy child into this brutal horizon as he is well conscious of the excrutiating intricacies that the world has to offer to survive in this reality.Due to this the parent has to become ruthless to the emotions of the child and resort it to training for the hard reality that it is to overcome.Yet even after numerous tries,mostly the parent fails as the subjectivism is the only thing that gives hope to the child to move on in this world of fallacies where you are rampaged upon on the faintest of the dreaminess you ponder upon.

It has been a tough job for me to preserve this subjective child from the ruthlessness of the objective parent.Yet though the idea of subjectivism is profoundly romantic yet it is a sure death knell in the existence of the subjective reality itself.This is why the child and the parent has to come together in a pact of Intersubjective space where a good clear dialogue between the two is important to establish a happy,cheerful yet a very sustainable relationship.It is when the emotions,art of the subjective child through his love,poems,crayon sketches,monster fairy stories with the help of the reasonable,mature,intelligent,well informed scientific analytical perspective of the pbjective parent blend together to give rise to a good future of the child.

Confused who this child and parent is,it is you all and including I who are struggling to make sense of their existence in this lifelong battle of reality of subjective and objectiveness.So,hold both of their hand make them come together let the arts meet the sciences,let the poems meet the calculations,let the hope meet the rationality and live forever in this realm of everlasting drudgery of fight.


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